
Методика формування іншомовної компетенції учнів 8 класу у письмі

Прийом: розпізнавання буквосполучення у словах.

Вибери слова з буквосполученням ou:

report, course, police, molile, young, sound, modecine, flower, outlook, soup, picture, you, chicken, honour, blue, mouse.

Вправа 6. (некомунікативна, рецептивна)

Мета: автоматизувати навики письма.

Прийом: розпізнавання буквосполученнь у словах.

Запиши слова у два стовпчики залежно від написання в них буквосполучення ou чи oi:

joint, mountain, coin, journal, noise, moustache, foil, journey, coil, noun, fountain, coincide, country.

Вправа 7. (некомунікативна, рецептивна)

Мета: автоматизувати навики письма.

Прийом:розпізнання слів.

Розгадай слова написані разом:



Вправа 8. (некомунікативна, рецептивна)

Мета: автоматизувати навики письма.

Прийом: сполучення слів.

З'єднай слова. Випиши пари слів, що сполучаються:

black car

red plate

green cat

round sky

blue grass

Вправа 9. (некомунікативна, рецептивна)

Мета: автоматизувати навики письма.

Прийом: правильне написання слів.

Напиши слова правильно:

gooes, woc, hoser, fsih, brea, ebe.

Вправа 10. (некомунікативна, рецептивна)

Мета: автоматизувати навики письма.

Прийом: доповнення слів буквосполученням.

Допиши буквосполучення ou у словах і прочитай речення:

Y…ng boy has wide …tlook.

Wales is a co…try of m…ntains.

Вправа 11. (некомунікативна, рецептивна)

Мета: автоматизувати навики письма.

Прийом: утворення слів.

Склади і напиши якомога більше слів з таких букв:

a, c, e, g, i, l, n, p, u, x.

Вправи для навчання написання творів різного типу

Група вправ для ознайомлення зі структурними компонентами твору-опису та з послідовністю викладення інформації у творі-описі місця.

Вправа 1. (комунікативна, рецептивна)

Мета: ознайомити учнів з основними структурними компонентами твору-опису (вступ, основна і заключна частини), складниками кожного з них (речення-гачок і стрижневе речення), із загальними характеристиками твору-опису (логічність та образність), з послідовністю викладення інформації у творі-описі місця на основі тексту-зразка.

Прийом: відповіді на запитання, читання зразка опису, ознайомлення з структурними компонентами твору-опису.

On www.essayedgc.com there was a competition for the best description. Now you're going to read the description of a favourite room, which turned to be the best and was accepted as a successful sample by Harvard. Princeton. Stanford & Dartmouth. Before reading, answer the following questions:

1) What is the purpose of any description?

2) While reading books of fiction, do you omit descriptions of nature, the interior, the characters' feelings and emotions, the characters' appearance? If yes, why?

3) Can you recollect any descriptions which appealed to you very much? What were they? What was so particular about them? How did the author manage to attract your attention?

4) Have you ever created successful descriptions of people, places or objects to capture your reader's attention? How did you achieve it if you have?

Read the following description of a favourite room.

After reading, answer the questions, which will help you understand the structure of the descriptive essay.

My Favourite Room

My favourite room is our kitchen. Perhaps the kitchen is the most important room in many houses, but it is particularly so in our house because it's not only where we cook and eat but it's also the main meeting place for family and friends. I have sо many happy memories of times spent there: special occasions, such as homecomings or cooking Christmas dinner; troubled times, which lead to comforting cups of tea in the middle of the night; ordinary daily events such as making breakfast on dark, cold winter mornings for cross, sleepy children before sending them off to school, then sitting down to read the newspaper with a steaming hot mug of coffee. Whenever we have a party, people gravitate with their drinks to the kitchen. It always ends up the fullest and noisiest room in the house.

So what does this special room look like? It’s quite big, but not huge. It’s big enough to have a good-sized rectangular table in the centre, which is the focal point of the room. There is a large window abov the sink, which looks out onto two apple trees in the garden. The cooker is at one end, and above it is a wooden pulley, which is old-fashioned but very useful for drying clothes in wet weather. At the oher end is a wall with a large noticeboard, which tells the story of our lives, past, present and future, in words and pictures: a school photo of Megan ans Kate, a postcard from Auntie Nancy in Australia, the menu from a take away Chinese restaurant, wedding invitation for next Saturday. All our world is there for everyone to read! The front door is seldom used in our house, only by strangers. All our friends use the black door, which means they come straight into the kitchen and join in whatever is happening there. The kettle goes on immediately and then we all sit round the table, drinking tea and putting the world to rights! Without doubt some of the happiest times of my life have been spent in our kitchen.

(From “Headway Intermediate” by John and Liz Soars)

1) The opening statement (or the hook) of the essay is "My favourite room is our kitchen." Does it capture your attention? If not, can you suggest anything special?

2) Practically in the first paragraph (usually called the introductory part) of any description of place the author gives reasons for choosing this very place for describing. Find the sentences in this essay which contain such reasons and read them aloud.

3) Find the body of this essay, if you know that this part usually contains the very description of the place. Put down its beginning and its end.

4) The author of the suggested essay forgot to make a separate paragraph of the conclusion. Knowing that in the conclusion the author expresses his feelings and final thoughts about the place, find this part and read it aloud.

5) As a rule, any paragraph has the sentence, which contains its main idea and is called the topic sentence. Find such sentences in the second (the body) and in the third (the conclusion) paragraphs and put them down.

Paragraph 2 _

Paragraph 3 _

6) Can you draw a plan of the described room? Do you find the author's description logical?

7) What associations with the kitchen does the author have? Do your associations with your kitchen coincide with the author's? Do you agree that they are sure to touch any reader?

8) Did the author manage to create a vivid image of his/her favourite room in your imagination? To check this, try to tell what you remember vividly about his/her room.

9) Write out those descriptive word-combinations (adjective + noun/ adjective + adjective + noun), which in your opinion made the essay especially vivid and colourful.

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