
Методика формування іншомовної компетенції учнів 8 класу у письмі

Мета: вдосконалити вміння творчого написания твору-опису місця.

Прийом: написання опису місця.

You've just returned from the walk in the forest. Accidentally you came across the part of the forest which was damaged by the fire about a week ago. You're eager to share the impressions with anybody but you're alone at home. Describe the view and the feelings it caused in your diary.

Вправи для формування навичок і розвитку вмінь написання структурних компонентів аргументованого твору.

Вправа 1. (комунікативна, продуктивна)

Мета: сформувати навички написання вступної частини аргументованого твору, вдосконалити вміння викладати думки на різні абзацу.

Прийом: написання вступної частини на дану тему.

Work in groups of three. Choose a topic and in 7-10 minutes present three introduction paragraphs for an argumentative essay.

Should animals be kept in zoos?

Toxic waste thrown into the sea is a major threat to the environment.

Everyone should contribute to Nature Protection Organizations.

The advantages and disadvantages of living in cities.

Вправа 2. (комунікативна, продуктивна)

Мета: сформувати навички написання основної частини аргументованого твору, вдосконалити вміння викладати думки на різні абзацу.

Прийом: формулювання тверджень за і проти.

Look at the following points. Give examples to support the points for and against travelling by bicycle. Then compare your statements with those of your classmates.

For Against

Environmentally friendly dangerous

good exercise unhealthy fumes breathed in

economical does not protect from weather

quick in heavy traffic not good for long trips

E.g. Travelling by bicycle is environmentally friendly because you do not have to use petrol and a bicycle does not produce airy pollution.

Вправа 3. (умовно-комунікативна, рецептивна)

Мета: сформувати навички написання заключних частин аргументованого твору.

Прийом: сполучення початку твору з кінцем.

Match the first paragraphs of the argumentative essays to the last ones. Suggest a title for each topic.

First Paragraphs

Did you ever dream of becoming a doctor when you were young? Although it can be a very rewarding career, being a doctor also has its drawbacks.

Imagine going to school all day long and then having to work as well. Many young people decide to attend school and have a part-time job at the same time. This can have both advantages and disadvantages.

Cooking is something that few of us have time to do in today's fast-moving world. But does eating out really have as many advantages as people think it does?

Last Paragraphs

It is up to each individual to decide whether he or she would benefit from working and studying at the same time. However, isn't it a pity that many simply have no choice due to poor financial situations?

On balance, the life of a doctor can be both exciting and very demanding. Not everyone is suited for it, especially as it is a profession with room for mistakes.

All in all, while eating out does have its advantages, it is not something we should make a habit of. Perhaps we should all try to make time in our lives to eat properly.

Key: 1-b; 2-а; 3-c.

Bправu для розвитку вмінь написання власного аргументованого твору

Вправа 1. (комунікативна, продуктивна)

Мета: розвинути вміння творчого писемного мовлення з елементами аргументації.

Прийом: написання аргументованого твору.

You've just read the information that certain species of animals are in danger for a number of reasons. It seems that people are the biggest threat to the survival of a range of animals, from fish to tigers. Your uncle is a hunter. You decide to persuade him that his hobby is dangerous fоr the environment. State your viewpoint and prove it.

Вправа 2. (комунікативна, продуктивна)

Мета: розвинути вміння творчого писемного мовлення з елементами аргументації.

Прийом: написання статі в газету.

A businessman wants to build up a factory not for from your home. You are afraid the factory will be releasing poisonous chemicals into the air. Write an article to the local newspaper in which you express your arguments and your attitude towards this situation.

Вправи для формування навичок і розвитку вмінь написання листа.

Вправа 1. (умовно-комунікативна, рецептивна)

Мета: Ознайомити учнів з разком англійського листа.

Прийом: Індивідуаньне читання листа-зразка.

What kind of letter is this? Read it to find out the sender’s reason for writing.

26 Glendale Road

Chester CH 47 HB

3 May 2005

Dear Marco,

Thank you for your letter. I was pleased to hear about your exam results. Congratulations!

I have some exciting news for you. I’m not frightened of aeroplanes any more! I told you about the first time I tried to go on a plane, didn’t I? I had a panic attack and had to be taken off screaming. It was so dreadful that I never wanted to try it again.

Then last month I went to an ‘air anxiety’ seminar. There they explained exactly how planes manage to stay in the sky, taught us some breathing exercises to do when we felt panicky, and put us in a flight simulator. It was horribly bumpy and noisy!

Next we visited the airport just to get used to planes taking off and landing. After that we actually flew to Paris. I didn’t enjoy it, but I didn’t scream either.

I will soon be ready for the long flight to Brazil. Does your invitation still stand? Give my best wishes to all your family. Please write to me again soon.

With love from


Вправа 2. (умовно-комунікативна, репродуктивна)

Мета: Навчити учнів правильно оформлювати листа.

Прийом: Індивідуальне виконання завдання. Заповнення пропусків і завершення речень.

Look at the letter and complete these notes about the layout and organization of a letter to a friend.

Your address should go in…

The … comes underneath this. Remember, the names of months always have a… letter.

The correct punctuation after the saluttion is…

You should start your letter with a general friendly beginning, such as…

In the next paragraph you should give…

You should organize what you to say to your friend in…

If you add one or two general closing sentences, it will sound…

You should … your letter with an expression such as … or “With best wishes from…”.

The last thing you write is …

Вправа 3. (умовно-комунікативна, рецептивна)

Мета: навчити учнів правильно починати і завершувати листа.

Прийом: індивідуальне виконання завдання, розподіл речень на групи.

Here are some things you might write in a letter to a friend. Sort them into two groups: beginning and endings:

I’m sorry I haven’t written for a long time.

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.

Take care of yourlelf.

It’s ages since I last heard from you – I hope you and your family are all well.

Have a wonderful time and be sure to write and tell me all about it.

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