Інтерактивна взаємодія виключає як домінування одного учасника навчального процесу над іншими, так і однієї думки над іншою. Під час інтерактивного навчання учні вчаться бути демократичними, спілкуватися з іншими, критично мислити, приймати продумані рішення.
Такі підходи до навчання не є повністю новими для української школи. Частково вони використовувались ще в перші десятиріччя минулого століття і були поширені в педагогіці та практиці української школи в 20-ті роки — роки масштабного реформування шкільної освіти.
Незважаючи на те, що ці нові методи навчання знайшли підтримку в учителів, вони запроваджувались у школах без належного методичного забезпечення, теоретичного осмислення та експериментальної перевірки. Вже перший досвід їх застосування виявив певні проблеми та складності: зниження ролі вчителя в навчальному процесі, неекономне витрачання навчального часу, відсутність в учнів достатньої мотивації для такого типу учіння.
У Західній Європі та США групові форми навчальної діяльності учнів активно розвивались та вдосконалювались. Наприкінці XX ст. інтерактивні технології набули поширення в теорії та практиці американської школи, де їх використовують при викладанні різноманітних предметів.
Зразок розгорнутого плану-конспекта уроку з англійської мови по темі "Robinson Crusoe"
Lesson Plan
Lesson: 16
Form: 8-V
Date: 28.02.2011
Lesson type: lesson-discussion
Topic: Home-reading. Robinson Crusoe.
Practical aim: to develop monological speaking skills.
Adjoining task: to develop the ability of carrying out the discussion.
Cultural aim: to widen pupils’ linguistic outlook.
Educational aim: to stimulate the understanding of the life of the natives on the isolated island.
Developmental aim: to develop critical thinking.
Equipment: the text about adventure for listening comprehension, cards with four groups of words to the text about Robinson Crusoe, the table with letters to form letters according to the text about Robinson Crusoe.
Structure of the lesson:Time:
Greetings1 min.
Warming-up (conversational)7 min.
Discussion(LC)10 min.
Checking up the h/t (lay outs)23 min.
Summing up of the lesson5 min.
(giving the h/t, evaluation, motivation)
Glad to see you! How are you today? What day and date is it today? Do you like today’s weather?
Warming-up (conversational)
Look at the blackboard and complete the statements.
"Travel teaches how to (see)";
"Travel broadens the (mind), and raises the spirits".
Comment on the statements. Tell whether you agree or disagree with them.
Discussion (Listening Comprehension)
Introductory talk.
Teacher asks pupils questions:
Do you like to travel?
What places do you want to visit and why?
Do you usually travel by bus, by train or on foot?
What would you do if you stayed alone on the isolated island?
Have you ever seen on TV or read in magazines, newspapers stories about people who lived alone on the isolated island?
The teacher gives a title of the story "My Big Adventure", and explains unknown words from the text using synonyms, and then sets a task to predict the plot of the story according to the title.
Setting an aim for comprehension.
Listen and give short answers to such questions as "Who? What? Where? When? How? Why?"
Who? What?
How? When?
Presentation of the text.
My Big Adventure
Last year I travelled down to the island city in my country. The place is situated in Nigeria. The sun was shining brightly. It was a fine Sunday morning. My sister and I planned to go to an isolated island nearby the beach. I was not confident at first as I heard people saying that the island is dangerous. Those people who went there went missing.
But my sister didn’t believe that rumours so she wanted to go there. I had no choice but to go with her as I did not want to let her go on her own. We took a boat. It took a few minutes for us to reach the island. When we reached it, no sound could be heard.
I was quite scared. My sister entered the thick forest. I just followed her. The forest was dark, cold and we could only hear the birds singing. We went deeper into the forest.
We did not know what we were looking for. After a few minutes, we realised that we were lost. I started to panic. All I wanted to do was to get out from that island as soon as it was possible. But how could we find the way? I looked at my sister. Suddenly, we heard a loud roar coming from the inner part of the forest. Then, we heard a scream. A sharp piercing scream. I was really shivering. Then, I felt that I felt bad and everything got black. When I opened my eyes, I saw strangers around me. I was puzzled. Then I saw my sister sitting and laughing. I was very confused. Then my sister explained that the strangers were just making a film on that island.
Checking up the understanding.
The teacher checks whether the children have found out the answers to the short questions.
Checking up the hometask.
The teacher asks the pupils to open their copy-books. Let’s return to our Robinson Crusoe. He lived on the isolated island. He tried to survive. Robinson had a lot of adventures. What adventure from Robinson’s life do you remember? What adventure thrilled you most? Very nice! Let’s read your lay outs. One person reads and all the rest should put two questions to the person. Thank you for your creative work. Now let’s do the tasks and see who has the best memory and remembers all the events from Robinson’s life. You can see the cards with the words. There is a task: "How did Crusoe live on the island? Make sentences from this table."
He made He used |
fire a tent clothes the sun lights a canoe wood fields corn |
to make a table. from a big tree. to make bread. to make strong pots. from animals’ skins. to dry fruit and meat. from the ship’s sails. to keep wild goats in. to build fences. |
Thank you for your active work. That will do. The next task: you can see on the blackboard different words. Put the words into four groups under the headings.
boat, bread, canoe, captain, corn, eggs, fruit, goat, leopard, meat, pirate, prisoner, sailor, ship, slave.
Thank you for your answers. Let’s see how you can form the words and how fast you are. Look at the blackboard. Find the words in the word search, and draw a line through them. The words go from left to right, and from top to bottom [7].
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Інші реферати на тему «Педагогіка, виховання»:
Педагогічні ідеї В.Сухомлинського як концептуальна основа особистісно-орієнтованого підходу
Аналіз поєднання традицій та новацій середньої музичної освіти
Культурологічний підхід як основа модернізації змісту астрономічної освіти у загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах
Організація профільного та допрофільного навчання в сучасній школі
Аналіз існуючих систем автоматизованого проектування та моделювання одягу в системі професійної підготовки вчителів