Very nice! Good job! You have tried your best! But we should make the conclusions of our lesson.
Summing-up of the lesson (giving the hometask, evaluation, motivation)
Write down the hometask for tomorrow – the new adventure book chapter 1; read about Greenpeace, write 15 special questions to the text, Ex.1, p. 125. Now I’ll give you marks for today’s lesson. You were very active, that’s why you will get good marks (putting marks). Thank you for the lesson. You are free.
Зразок розгорнутого плану-конспекта уроку з англійської мови по темі "It’s Our Planet"
Lesson Plan
Lesson: 23
Form: 8-G
Date: 09.03.2011
Lesson type: lesson-discussion, lesson group-work.
Topic: It’s Our Planet.
Practical aim: to develop monological speaking skills on the topic.
Adjoining task: to revise all the vocabulary on the topic.
Cultural aim: to broaden the linguistic outlook of the pupils.
Educational aim: to contribute to the knowledge of the pupils.
Developmental aim: to develop voluntary memory with the help of pictures and cards.
Equipment: a ball, children’s pictures for commenting on, cards with the words to form the sentences, cards with the topics to the dialoques and roles to the dialoques.
Structure of the lesson:Time:
Greetings1 min.
Warming-up (conversational)7 min.
Discussion(group-work)32 min.
Summing up of the lesson5 min.
(giving the h/t, evaluation, motivation)
Glad to see you! How are you today? What day and date is it today? Today we’ll generalize all the material that you’ve learnt on the topic "It’s Our Planet"
Warming-up (conversational)
Look at the blackboard, please. The Dalaj Lama said: "Mother planet is showing us the red warning light – "be careful" – she is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care of our own house" [19]. The children of our planet also know about the ecological problems that make our planet suffer. They drew pictures on the problem (see pic. 1, 2, 3, 4). Look at the pictures and say what problems of our environment are. Comment on one of the pictures.
Picture 1
Environmental problems.
Picture 2
Ampanman coming to the rescue: Manga is serious business.
Picture 3
Global focus.
Picture 4
Street-smart cats. The cats are leaving the cars behind, riding their bikes instead.
Discussion (group-work)
We can say that our environment suffers from people’s actions. Let’s find the best protector of our nature, let’s see who knows the best all the words on the topic "It’s Our Planet".
One pupil stands up and names all the words on the topic (brainstorming).
Now we’ll play guessing-game and see who knows best the meanings of the words. We have two teams of 6 people in every team. You are the first team and you are the second team. You can see the letters in cells. Every letter means the first letter of the word, which you should guess after I read you the definition of the word.
The first team should guess words only vertically. The second team should guess words only horizontally. The team who will draw all the line vertically or horizontally will win. Understood? E.g. "p" – clean, not harmful (pure).
One by one the teams name the letters and draw the lines.
R – to take something away from the place where it is (remove);
S – feeling confident about yourself and your abilities (secure);
A – to prevent something bad from happening (avoid);
U – very important, immediate (urgent);
O – to do something that someone has asked you to do; to do something because of a duty, law (oblige);
R – to make something smaller or less in size (to reduce);
T – the possibility that something very bad will happen (threat);
C – a substance used in chemistry (chemical);
M – to make something continue, to have relations with somebody (maintain);
S – to continue to live after an accident, war or illness (survive);
R – to put used objects through a special process so that they can be used again (recycle);
C – something that happens as a result of an action (consequence).
Very good! You were very active! Friendship is the winner of the quiz!
Now let’s check how you can make sentences.
Let’s divide into three teams. According to the likes and dislikes of seasons of the year we’ll form three teams. The first team – those whose favourite season is summer, the second – winter, the third – spring. Every team gets the words on strips, they should make up a sentence. Teams have the same strips with words. The members of the team who are ready raise their hands.
"The planet Earth is our mutual home and the biosphere recognizes no divisions into blocs, alliances or systems" [7].
The second team is ready! Read the sentence. Good job! You are the fastest thinkers!
Thank you. That’ll do. I know that you are good at making dialogues. Let’s check it. Here are the strips with the topics and the roles. Pull a strip.
The task for the rest of the pupils – listen and say what the topic of the dialogue is and what the roles are.
Thank you! You are very good actors! And now I have another task for you.
The teacher gives a title of the story "A Sad Fountain", and explains unknown words from the text using synonyms, and then sets a task to predict the plot of the story according to the title.
Setting an aim for comprehension.
Listen and put the pictures into the right order.
Presentation of the text.
A Sad Fountain
Once upon a time, a boy was walking through a wood and he heard a sad cry, as though someone was crying while singing. Following the sound he came to a big, round, mysterious, grey fountain. The sad singing seemed to be coming from the fountain pool. The boy came closer to the fountain and saw a group of grey fish swimming in a circle through the pool. With each lap they made, their little voices opened and out came the sad sound.
Amused by this, the boy tried to catch one of these incredible talking fish. But when he stuck his arm into the water it turned grey right up to the elbow. As this happened, a huge sadness entered into him, and he suddenly understood how terrible the fish was feeling. He felt just like the earth on his arm; dirty and contaminated.
He quickly pulled his arm out of the water, and ran from that place. But the arm stayed grey, and the boy was sad. He tried so many times to cheer himself up, but nothing worked. He felt sad until one day he realised that if he made the Earth happy then that happiness would return to him, and his arm wouldn’t be grey.
Інші реферати на тему «Педагогіка, виховання»:
Дидактичні основи побудови підручників з природничо-математичних дисциплін для початкових шкіл України
Вплив стилю поведінки батьків на соціальний розвиток дитини
Декоративно-вжиткове мистецтво як чинник формування художнього смаку школярів
Психологічні основи навчання іноземної мови у початковій школі
Становлення релігійного виховання у школи європейських країн